Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Our Anniversary Camping Trip to Wolf Creek -- During a Forest Fire

June 14, 2013 -- Our 32nd wedding anniversary camping trip -- 3 days/2 nights.

After years of playing a round of golf on our anniversary, we decided to celebrate this year with a delicious dinner at the Cosmo (our favorite restaurant in Durango), on Thursday night, and then go camping for the weekend in our new camper.

We had planned on staying at the West Fork Campground, which is southwest of Wolf Creek -- right before you head up the mountain to the pass.  Just before we got there, we saw the big forest fire on Wolf Creek.  It had just started that morning (lightning), so we hadn't heard anything about it before we left home.   

So, we turned around and drove back a few miles --  and stayed at the East Fork Campground.

We took a short hike, and made it to the overlook for the river.  

Of course, it's not an "overlook" for Royal -- just a way down.  She made it down to the river and back up, before we even got there.

The East Fork of the San Juan River

The East Fork Campground, is nice -- it's in the San Juan National Forest.  It is supposed to be lightly used, but it's packed now.  Probably because people were turned away from the other campground, because of the fire.  And, after awhile, the firefighters started arriving, to stay for the night.

I always forget something -- this time, it was forks (we had just one).  So, I used some tongs to eat my dinner.

We lost our sunlight early, since the trees were so tall.  The trees are a mixture of Blue Spruce, fir trees, and Ponderosa pines.

Royal has been great -- even with all the people here -- very calm.  I think she likes camping.

On Saturday, we drove just two miles from the campground, to hike.

Swallowtails in the mud.

A little further down the road, we found the Treasure Mountain Trail.

The weather is perfect . . . except for the fires.

We saw the helicopter swoop down to the creek and scoop up some water for the fire.

Beautiful views on this trail . . . 

Treasure Falls

We decided to drive over to get a better look at the fire -- about 150 acres, in this picture.  As I write this, 5 days later, it's now grown to over 3,500 acres.

We still made a fire at the campsite, but kept it small, for obvious reasons.

Books we're reading this weekend:  The Cruelest Month, Louise Penny (Pat),  The Panther, Nelson DeMille (Alan) , and The Art of Racing in the Rain, Garth Stein (Alan, and now, me)

The Forest Ranger came by tonight to say that the Wolf Creek Fire jumped over to Windy Pass, but since we're leaving in the morning, we should be fine.  He's thinking, though, in 3 days, it might be dangerous to be here.  I wish the wind would go away, and that it would rain.

Really nice hike on Sunday on Coal Creek Trail.  It was uphill, but not crazy uphill.  Lots of wildflowers, aspens, pine trees, and amazing mountain views.

We ran into some elk.  Well, we heard them go crashing through the woods, when they were startled by Royal up ahead of us.  We couldn't see them, but Royal did!

Royal managed to find some water down below us . . . that keeps her happy.  She probably covers 10 times the distance we do.

music is The Story, by Brandi Carlile