Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Camping by the Florida River in May

We traveled just 40 minutes from our house for our 2nd camping trip in the camper -- to the Florida (pronounced Flor-EE-dah) River Campground, north of Lemon Reservoir.  


Royal did her "Run of Joy" after we found our campsite and let her out of the truck.

We found a beautiful campsite, right by the river, surrrounded by huge Ponderosa Pines.

Took a hike after lunch . . . 

Hiked up to a pinnacle where we had a nice view of the river . . . 

The river was running fast, but not particularly high.  

Saw this funny aspen tree, wrapped around the pine tree . . . 

A lot of the pine trees had this mossy stuff (fancy biological name) hanging off the branches. . . 

Good little hike on Saturday, with a great view of the Florida River.  Hard to believe this is the same river that flows through our neighborhood.

Hardly anyone at the campground the weekend before Memorial Day -- it had just opened on Friday (May 24).  The campground hosts (from Texas) were really nice.  They refunded us $8.50, since Alan gave them too much in the envelope.

Things we forgot:  another chair, Pam spray, butter, axe, and coffee mug.  Oh well . . . we managed just fine.  We'll get this figured out, eventually.

Snacked on smoked salmon, Laughing Cow cheese, garlic-stuffed olives, and Triscuits -- and beer and wine, of course.

Love hearing the sound of the river . . . 

We hid out inside the camper when it started raining.  Royal freaks out when there's thunder (even though we didn't hear any).  Covering her with a beach towel seems to calm her down.

Did it stop raining yet?

Look what I saw in the fire!  Alan thought it looked like a snake's head -- I thought it looked like a dog.  But, I promise, no animals were hurt in the making of this campfire. . . 

It was getting dark, and was FREEZING, so we ate dinner inside the camper -- burgers with avocado and tomato slices, and three-bean salad -- and beer and wine, of course.

It got cold, but the heater in the camper worked great

"Helping" Alan collect firewood for our morning campfire . . . 

We need to buy a generator, so we can make coffee inside the camper instead of the back of the truck.

Royal was great -- a few woofs now and then when someone walked or drove by the campsite, but that's about it.  She really loves it.

Beautiful morning!  And, it didn't snow like they were predicting.

Making breakfast on our camper stove, which works great.  The refrigerator works too well -- some of the eggs were frozen, so we need to adjust the temperature.  Breakfast was scrambled eggs, Canadian bacon, blueberry bread, Zola juice, and coffee.

Took another nice hike after breakfast -- this time on the other side of the river. . . 

Such a beautiful place, and so close to home.

Crazy dog!  She loves the water, no matter how cold.  It was 39 degrees outside, so you know that water had to be cold!

Pretty little red columbine -- probably the only wildflower we saw . . . 

It was fun to explore nearby campgrounds -- we'll definitely come back here.

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