Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Enjoying the Fall Colors of New Hampshire . . . and, a Wedding!

Alan and I traveled to New Hampshire at the end of September -- without our dog, Royal, or the camper.  Our nephew, Matt, was getting married, so we flew to Manchester, NH, and then drove up to Waterville Valley, for the festivities.

It has gotten so difficult and expensive to fly anywhere from Durango, we decided to drive to Denver and fly to New Hampshire from there.  That way, we could also visit some of our kids and grandkids in Denver.

Waterville Valley is about 1-1/2 hours north of Manchester, in the White Mountain National Forest.

It was beautiful there, and the colors were changing quickly.

We met up with Alan's brother, Kent, and his girlfriend, Kim -- for a beer and a hike.

It maybe wasn't the "peak" of the colors, but it was still beautiful.  I especially loved all the red maples.

 . . . and then, it was time to put on our party clothes again!

We were glad that Alan's dad, Waller, was able to make it up from Peterborough for his grandson's wedding.

It was a perfect day for Shannon and Matt's wedding --

Alan's sister, Holly, and her family . . . 

My lovely sister-in-law, Akiko, and me . . . 

Alan, Akiko, and Alan's brother, Mark . . . 

music is "Autumn Leaves" by 101 Strings Orchestra

The next day, Alan and I took a hike in the White Mountain National Forest . . . 

This was a beautiful little spot . . . 

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