Tuesday, July 15, 2014

San Juan River Trip - Bluff to Mexican Hat, Utah

What a wonderful float trip, down the San Juan River, from Bluff to Mexican Hat, Utah -- in June, 2014.  Alan and I were joined by one of our sons and granddaughter, Tyler and Remy, for 3 days and 2 nights on the river.

We loaded up the cataraft and put in at Sand Island, around 1 pm.  The wind had really picked up by then, and was blowing the wrong way!

It was blowing so hard, that we decided to camp just a few miles down the river, and get a fresh start in the morning, when it would be calmer.  At the first potential campsite, this is what we saw . . . 

We were pretty sure that they were mountain lion prints, and there were a lot of them, and they were fresh . . . and big!  We decided to camp elsewhere.  

The next morning, it was calm and beautiful!

We stopped along the way, to hike to River House Ruin, an ancient Anasazi ruin.  It's one of the largest structures of its kind in the area.

It was fun to see the petroglyphs!

We found a great place to camp, at Prospector's Loop.

After Ty and Remy got used to the water, they decided to float partway down the river, without the raft, and then hiked back to camp.

Tyler sank up to his knees in the sandy riverbed -- it was like quicksand.

We saw this amazing male Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, on the other side of the river.  He stayed there for a long time, just looking at us.

We also saw a River Otter, but it was too dark to get a picture of him.  He popped his head up, near the shore, saw us, and then started swimming upstream.  Every now and then, he'd pop up again, but never stayed long, unfortunately.  Very cool!

Our lovely stone patio.

We woke to another beautiful morning on the river.

Almost immediately, we found some white water!

I think Gramps got Remy wet on that one!

Coming up on some more rapids . . . 

Tyler's taking us through this one . . . 

Going through Eight Foot Rapid . . . 

That was fun!!!

Stop for lunch

Saw a cool Collared Lizard . . . 

This is a lot harder than it looks.

What a great trip -- I hope we can do this one again!

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